Trigger Point Therapy FAQs

Learn More About Trigger Point Therapy from Our Chiropractor Near You in Knoxville, TN

Trigger point therapy is a common and effective treatment option to address a range of musculoskeletal issues, from chronic pain to inflammation and more. At West Knoxville Medical and Chiropractic, we specialize in providing pain relief with the use of trigger point therapy near you in the Knoxville, TN, area. If you want a more holistic approach from your chiropractor, consider turning to West Knoxville Medical and Chiropractic in Knoxville, TN.

Here are some answers to frequently asked questions on trigger point therapy to help your decision.

trigger point therapy

What is Trigger Point Therapy?

Trigger point therapy is a chiropractic technique that targets specific areas of muscles and tendons that are under tension and causing pain. Knotted areas within a muscle can result in stiffness, intense pain, and in some cases, limited mobility. Trigger point therapy attempts to release knots and restore natural and normal muscle function.

What Conditions Can Trigger Point Therapy Address?

Trigger point therapy can be useful and beneficial in treating numerous conditions, such as:

  • Chronic Pain: Tending to chronic muscle pain is possible with specialized trigger point therapy
  • Injuries and Trauma: Trigger point therapy aids in the rehabilitation of injuries by reducing inflammation and pain while restoring natural muscle function
  • Muscle Pain: Address localized soreness, inflammation, and muscle pain
  • Headaches: Trigger point therapy may be used to relieve tension headaches that are a result of increased muscle tension in the cervical spine area 

How Many Trigger Point Therapy Sessions Will I Need?

The number of trigger point therapy sessions you will require will vary based on the severity of the condition you are attempting to treat. While some individuals may experience immediate relief within just one to two sessions, others may require ongoing chiropractic care for weeks to achieve optimal results. Working with our chiropractor can determine the number of trigger point therapy sessions you will need to make a full recovery.

Chiropractic Care and More at West Knoxville Medical and Chiropractic

At West Knoxville Medical and Chiropractic, we offer trigger point therapy and more chiropractic care techniques to reduce inflammation and offer pain relief. Whether you need trigger point therapy, chiropractic adjustment, or other treatments, get in touch with West Knoxville Medical and Chiropractic in Knoxville, TN, today. 

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